We return with the pocket method, this time so you can see how to fold short-sleeved shirts, long-sleeved shirts or how to fold tank tops.
We will do it with the pocket method because, as you already know, it allows all the garments to remain vertical but at the same time packaged, preventing them from being unfolded even if they were dropped on the floor.
In addition, with this method the drawers are perfectly organized, with all the garments in sight and maximizing the number of garments that fit in them.
First of all I have to apologize for some things in this video. It’s one of the first ones I did and I still didn’t take into account all the sound part. When you see the video you will immediately detect that it is difficult for you to hear me. The music is very loud and my voice is very low.
Another thing that happens is that it seemed to me that there was very good light in the room and instead of sitting on a table to fold the t-shirts so that you could see everything clearly, I sat on the bed and folded everything there. It looks nice but would have looked better on the table.
And the third thing is that being one of the first of the pocket method, I still didn’t use the template. The distances were calculated by eye taking into account the size of the garment and the space available in the drawer. As you know now I teach you how to prepare templates so that everything goes perfect in this fabric trade shows.